Monday, March 28

Goodbye weekend.

Bathing Suit: American Eagle

The weekend ended and only left me wanting more. 

We spent Sunday basking in the sun like cats. We went to the beach, and when we grew bored of that, we hit up the pool in our complex. Got a little bit of color but not sunburned, so I would call it a successful day in the sun. All I could think about today at work today, was how relaxing it was to lay in the sun.

Also, we went to see "Sucker Punch," while the cinematography was great, the story was lacking. It was at least entertaining but I would suggest waiting until it comes out of DVD if you are in between that and another movie.


ashley said...

Here in utah its too Dang cold to even put on a swim suit.. jealous.

Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

yep... Mondays are always the hardest. :)

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